What is your age?
Do you frequently compare yourself with others?
How often do you feel anxious or uncomfortable in social situations?
Does any of the following describe you?
Check all that might apply to you:
Do you get nervous talking to a group of people?
Do you find that you are very sensitive to criticism?
How long do you think you've struggled with low self-esteem for?
This will determine how strong your neural connections are.
"I will never amount to anything or anyone significant."
Do you agree with the following statement?
What do you struggle with due to your low self-esteem?
Check all that might apply to you:
“You’re not alone – low self-esteem often causes sadness, anxiety or even depression to millions of people. A lot of people seem to think that self-esteem is a game of luck: either you have it or you don’t. That’s totally false. Self-esteem is something that can be changed and improved over time.


If you ever tried to become more self-accepting and confident, but failed, it’s probably because you didn’t dig deeper into your core negative beliefs, and didn’t know what your personality type is.


To enable you to fully accept yourself and unlock your strengths, you need to understand yourself first and then follow a system that will help you


Science and Research Team
at Self Esteem
What do you think are the reasons behind your low self-esteem?
Check all that might apply to you:
People will only like me if I'm good-looking and successful
Do you agree with the following statement?
I am happy with the way I look
Do you agree with the following statement?
Why are you embarking on this journey to improve your self-esteem?
Check all that might apply to you:

Great to have a tool to help me tackle my personal challenges on why I lack confidence and have career, family, and relationship difficulties. I feel at ease after going through a month of the program.

The Self Esteem plan is easy to follow and it allowed me to feel confident again.

What are you missing to live a confident life?
Choose as many as you like
Which areas of your life would improve the most if you became more confident?
Are there any habits you’d like to quit?
Check all that might apply to you:

Self Esteem improvement plans are based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and behavioral science.

We deliver a plan developed by our psychologists, coaches and behavioral specialists to change the habits of our customers long term, and from the inside out.

Tell us what you'd be interested in in your plan.
Check all that might apply to you:
How much time do you want to spend on yourself every day?

We know you’re busy, so your plan needs as little as 5 minutes a day. It’s all about the small changes leading to big results.