I Was a Pageant Queen Without Self-Esteem Until I Tried This One Thing.


People have always told me how beautiful I am. You’d think that’s a nice compliment, but not exactly.

See, ever since I was a little girl, my mom forced me to participate in beauty pageants. I actually didn’t mind then. It was fun to dress up. But it was so competitive. And the other moms were meaner than their own daughters.

After a few years, I started to dislike having to participate. There were hours upon hours of training in ballet, baton twirling, and all kinds of other activities that I was finding I just didn’t love.

What I wanted to do most of all was just paint in my room with the watercolors and easel my dad had given me. My dad had died soon after he’d given me these paints and it was how I tried to express my grief while making him proud.

Mom only pushed me harder into those pageants though. And when the moms were out of sight, the men behind the scenes were inappropriate.

I was traumatized by the very man that my own mother hired to train me to walk the right way and to win pageants. I was so young though that I didn’t realize what he was doing was wrong, until I got a bit older.

By then though, I was hardened in the industry of pageantry. I went on to some of the biggest competitions, but I didn’t win. My mother said some of the most horrible things to me, and not long after I became an adult, I decided to move to New York.

I thought I’d become a model and I’d show her. I started getting noticed and making it on billboards for big brands. To look at me from the outside, you’d envy me. I had people from high school tell me that all the time on Facebook.

None of them realized how dead I was inside.

One day, I met a man that quickly swooped in and showered me with gifts and what I thought was love. He’d send me flowers, pick me up in limos, and take me to the most incredible places.

I thought he must be smitten because he asked me to marry him and we’d only been dating a few months. Right after the wedding, he started beating me. Never on my face, just all over my body.

I soon started hiding away from everyone, declining modeling work, staying away from friends I’d made. I felt like I was worthless. I felt like his abuse was my fault, that I’d done something to deserve it.

There was one person I couldn’t hide from though. It was my best friend since middle school. Tabby and I were always close, and knowing me as she did, she sensed from my behavior that something was wrong.

She flew to New York and invited me to dinner while my husband was on business in Dubai. When I looked at her, I began to cry. She just held me while I cried, knowing that she was the only person who ever saw me for who I really was. She saw beyond the pretty hair and makeup to my fragile emotions and she knew I needed help.

We worked out a plan where I’d leave my husband and come stay with her back in Dallas. But there was something else she said I needed to do.

“Chelsey, you have to heal your self-esteem. Leaving Tanner is a good step but you need to work on this or you’re going to be stuck in this cycle.”

That’s when she confessed to me that while I’d been running those runways, she’d barely escaped with her life from her college boyfriend. She’d never told a soul because she was embarrassed. She told me that what helped her could help me too.

My Journey to Healing My Self-Esteem

Tabby was right. You can’t just leave your problems behind. Yes, it helps to get out of an abusive situation. But you can’t just leave it and expect that’s the end of it.

Because your self-esteem is bruised and battered too and it needs healing so you can accept positivity into your life. Tabby said what changed for her was that she took a quiz which led her to a Self-Esteem program.

From that moment, I felt truly heard. Not like a pretty little prop everyone wanted on their arm. The program gave me a step-by-step process to improve my self-esteem and get rid of my social anxiety.

It showed me how to get rid of negative thought patterns and replace them with positive ones. This led to attracting more positive people in my life. I also had daily guidance from success coaches to keep me on the right path. Using this program was the difference I needed in my life.

I may have faked confidence as a model walking into a room before. Now I don’t fake it. I don’t need to. It just comes out of my spirit and through my pores it seems. When you replace those negative thought patterns with positive ones, it is truly the best makeover you can get.

I learned that it doesn’t matter how you look on the outside. You could win pageants and still feel ugly within. By healing your self-esteem, you become more beautiful from the inside out, and you wind up with the right people around you, those who truly deserve your attention.

I hope you see your own beauty and worth. Take this quick quiz today and get the help you need to live confidently as you deserve!

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