I Took An Online Program to Overcome Low Self-esteem, and This Is What I Learned


Maria here, I want to tell you about my journey from self-doubt to self-love, and share a few life-changing tips on the way.

10 tips that improved my sense of self-love!

If you’re anything like me, you are on a long journey to finding self-love, confidence, and willpower to control your life. I’ve been there and it’s not fun. It’s exhausting.

It can sometimes feel like there’s no end in sight — that no matter what you try, you just can’t change yourself. There are moments when it feels like we’re all just stuck in this loop of trying and failing again and again (and again).

But it’s important to remember that this is normal! It doesn’t mean something is wrong with us or our bodies — just that we’re human beings who have feelings, and sometimes those feelings can be hard to deal with all at once.

Not long ago, I was so overwhelmed by the pressure to be successful in life that it felt like I had a full-time job just worrying about my future. And then things got even worse: I started to develop some health issues from all my stress.

I’ll never forget the day I completely gave in to my self-doubt.

My biggest dream always has been to be a writer. I’d been trying to write a book for over six months, and just couldn’t get started. I was exhausted from all the false starts and broken promises. I’d be lying if I said it was for lack of trying. I tried following a variety of writing programs, but none of them worked for me. It felt so hopeless, and I was overwhelmed by the thought that maybe I just wasn’t cut out to be a writer.

As the deadline approached, I found myself doing everything but writing — I’d endlessly scroll social media or watch the same tv-shows instead of working on my book.

I wasn’t okay with this situation, so I realized that something needed to change. It was time for me to take control of my life!

I found a great therapist who was able to help me figure out how my depression led to procrastination and even helped me find ways to avoid procrastinating at work and home.

But she couldn’t seem to help me change the way I dealt with the feelings of anxiety and depression that continued to plague me.

And then something happened that changed everything: I decided to try one more time, but this time, I did things differently.

Turns out that what was really going on was simple: I just wasn’t ready to write my book. This didn’t mean I wasn’t meant to be a writer – just that I wasn’t ready at that moment.

So, instead of jumping headfirst into my project, this time, I decided to prepare myself by following a plan that was designed specifically for me – one that took into account my strengths, weaknesses, and what would make me most comfortable as a writer.

That plan became Esteem Quest self-esteem and self-love improvement plan. And with it, not only did my productivity skyrocket—so did my confidence!

Here are 10 tips from my personal experience that you can use to improve your sense of self-love today:

  1. Visualize your goals and focus on your talents

    It’s always important to see yourself where you want to be in life. It will give you something to strive for, and help you make the right decisions that will get you there. When I started my journey to self-love, I didn’t know where to start.

    So I created a clear vision of what I wanted and why I want it – turned out, this was a great place to start. Start by writing down your goals and dreams – even if they seem impossible!

    Now, visualize yourself achieving those goals. What would life look like? How would it feel? Don’t worry about the details, just think about how awesome it would be when it happens! Finally, take some time to reflect on what this means for you personally.

  2. Think about what you love about yourself.

    Focus on your strengths. Write down positive qualities about yourself, talents, and skills (even if they seem small or irrelevant). What are you good at? What do people compliment you on?

    This might be something that you love about your body or a hobby that you are good at. For example, “I’m super talented at writing, so that’s something I try to do every day!” Or – “I love my long, curly hair, and I make sure to keep it looking healthy and shiny!”

    Try to read them every morning when you wake up and every night before bed. Think about how you can use these qualities or talents to their full potential. That way, your mental self-image will change and you’ll start seeing yourself as the person you were always meant to be.

  3. Take a break from social media for at least a week (I know, it’s hard!)

    You’re not missing anything important and it’ll give your brain some much-needed rest. Plus, it’ll help clear up any mental clutter you may have been holding onto from scrolling through your feeds on autopilot.

    This also means there’s less mess in your headspace when it’s time for bed at night or weekend relaxation activities like watching Netflix with friends. I promise you’ll feel much better when you’re not constantly looking at other people’s photos/highlights and comparing them to your own life.

  4. Try getting out of the house at least once a day for a walk in nature.

    The fresh air really helps clear your head and it gives you perspective. Plus, it comes with endless health benefits that are so important in the modern world where most of us are stuck in the office or at home.

    The point is, do something nice for yourself every day, no matter how small it seems—it can make a huge impact on your mood and mental health!

  5. Try journaling and keep track of what works for you and what doesn’t.

    Take notes about what happened that made you feel bad about yourself. Then write down all the good things that have happened since then!

    It’s amazing how much perspective this gives us when we look back at our lives with gratitude instead of resentment toward those who hurt us or didn’t support us enough.

  6. Stop comparing yourself to others

    It’s okay if they have more money or seemingly better lives than you because everyone’s journey is different! It’s easy to compare yourself to other people and feel bad about yourself. Instead, focus on your own strengths and how you can improve them.

    For me, what finally made the difference was facing the truth about myself and my capabilities. Once I accepted who I really was, I knew I could be successful.

  7. Stop beating yourself up for procrastinating

    It happens to the best of us sometimes and there’s nothing wrong with being human! Sometimes we don’t want to do something, so we procrastinate. Instead of beating yourself up, take a break, consciously.

    Acknowledge that yes, it would be great if you could complete the task right away, but right now you are not ready for it – as simple as that. Give yourself time, relax your mind, and then I can guarantee, accomplishing the task will be much easier.

  8. Don’t let your past define who you are today

    You can’t change the past, but you can learn from it. So don’t let it define you! When you’re faced with your own negative thoughts and worries, it can be hard to feel good about yourself.

    But you’re more than just your thoughts—you’re a human being who can make decisions, learn, and improve every day. So, spare yourself misery, acknowledge your weaknesses or mistakes and move on to become someone stronger.

  9. Surround yourself with positive people

    People who make you feel good about yourself and give them compliments too! And most importantly, don’t hesitate to ask for help if needed.

    Sometimes even a small conversation can make a huge difference when we’re feeling down or low on self-esteem. So ask someone close to you if they’ll lend their support!

  10. Use positive self-talk as if you were giving advice to your best friend.

    With all the negative things that happen throughout the day, it’s easy for those voices in our heads to turn against us. But if we can use positive self-talk instead, we can help ourselves overcome obstacles more easily and stay more confident in our choices!

    For example, when something bad happens at work, instead of thinking “I’ll never get this done,” I tell myself “I’ll just figure out another way”. Imagine your best friend is in your situation. What advice would you give them? Would you be kind and positive, or judgemental and pessimistic?

    Exactly! It’s time to feel like yourself again.

Are you ready for taking the action steps to a better, happier future?

If you’re struggling with low self-esteem, anxiety, or procrastination, Esteem Quest can help you learn how to believe in yourself, how to accept and improve yourself — to truly become your best version, even when circumstances say otherwise.

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