How Unhealed Trauma and Self-Esteem Are Linked and What You Can Do to Change It


If you have low self-esteem, you give off a vibe, like Eeyore. People pick up on it right away, and because of that negative energy, you wind up attracting negative people rather the positive influences.

I know this first-hand because my whole life was this way until I did one small thing that resulted in the biggest change of my life.

For me, my childhood was full of trauma. I carried this around for years, the abuse and neglect I suffered clouded my personality. As a result, I was sending out the wrong signals that revealed my inner state.

Even worse, that attracted more abusive people into my world.

I was a foster kid, always shuttled from one house to another. But the last foster parents I had were abusive. They’d beat me if anything was even slightly out of place. If I ate too little, they’d slap me across the face. They did that if I ate what they considered too much too.

I lived in constant fear until the day I turned 18 and left. I moved as far as I could from those horrible people.

My life didn’t improve by moving through. Even though I was out of that toxic situation, I wound up falling into the same patterns.

I met a man who swept me off my feet. I thought it was love. Well, I can tell you I was in love with him. Instead of being loving to me though, he’d beat me just like my foster parents.

I endured this for far too long, and while I felt trapped, it never occurred to me to leave. I thought this was how things were supposed to be. Even at my job, I was treated abusively.

The old me would say I just deserved it.

Now I know better, and that’s why I’m sharing my story to save you.

My name is Kelly, and I found a way to recover my self-esteem by lifting that little rain cloud from over my head and letting a rainbow and sunshine come through.

How the Problems Begin

If your harsh events started in childhood like mine did, you wind up carrying it with you everywhere like an old tattered suitcase. You feel like an emotional orphan, one that has no safe place to go for their feelings.

Childhood traumas in particular make you feel excluded. And this continues into adulthood. From a toxic work environment to bad romantic relationships, you keep feeling that your feelings aren’t real or as important. You just get used to it, but that’s no way to live.

Your self-esteem is linked with your trauma, and it always will be until you do something about it. Trauma from your childhood carries on in an endless cycle until you work on healing those wounds. You are the underdog, but that doesn’t mean you can’t rise above it all.

Because I’m here to let you in on the biggest secret of all…you have the power to change everything. You don’t need to lug that big bag of trauma with you. You don’t need to let it gnaw away at your self-esteem.

How to Start Healing Your Self-Esteem

Listen, I was so used to this endless trauma cycle that I didn’t even realize I was carrying it on. When you make a change, even a small one, you take that power back. By healing your self-esteem, you can change the problems that are in your life now through small actionable steps.

You’ve let bad habits, distorted perceptions, and faulty decisions affect you for too long. And even though you can’t go back and change them, you can change yourself. That’s because you’re the one holding the key to your self-esteem.

So, how did I make this change and break the cycle?

I stumbled into it when I was looking something up. I found this quick quiz and it resonated with me. It led me to an amazing program, Self-Esteem.

What I found fascinating was that, unlike other programs that just gave you some tips you could find anywhere, Self-Esteem gave me a step-by-step path to overcome my self-doubt and social anxiety.

In working with this program, I eliminated my fears and learned how to form healthy relationships with people who appreciated me for me.

But that’s not all.

I wound up having the confidence to pursue other opportunities. I left my old job and jumped right into an opportunity that was better for my career path. As a side bonus, this workplace isn’t the toxic mess of an office that I spent 10 years in before.

Honestly, I have never been happier in my life than I am right now. I learned how to change my negative thoughts and empower myself. I can now speak up and stand up for myself rather than just endure abusive behavior.

I am urging you, please, if you are lugging around childhood trauma or even adulthood trauma, do not carry it around anymore. This incredible program helped give me the tools and support I needed to change my life.

Just try it by taking the quiz. It’s free and quick, and it will lead you to an eye-opening change. You deserve this, to feel loved and to learn how to attract positivity into your life. Anyone that tells you differently just wants to hold you down so you don’t outshine them, and that’s not a good person for you.

Take this quiz and heal your self-esteem today!

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