How Did I Beat Anxiety After I Improved My Self-Esteem?


My name is Monica. Let me share my story on how I improved my self-esteem and beat anxiety. I had struggled with low self-esteem for a very long time. Eventually, it became a really big problem:

Poor Confidence
– Constantly Negative Social Comparison
Worrying and Self-Doubting all the time
– Negative Self-Talk

I couldn’t take any criticism or even compliments. I was feeling worthless all the time.

This in turn gave me anxiety and panic attacks, which was really not good for my mental health and state of mind. 

Having said this, I’m thankfully in a much better place now than before. I no longer run away from myself.

But the journey was far from easy, as it meant that I had to finally come face to face with my demons.

It wasn’t until everything started to fall apart. I knew it was time to do something about it.

I started to notice that I was comparing myself with others more often than usual. I used to think I was absolutely worthless. I felt like I had to do everything for everyone at my expense because I was so disgusting that I had to be better than anyone else in their lives just to earn the right to be around other people.

I started to distance myself from my family, being more and more jealous of other people’s success and happiness. I was blaming myself for every little problem that happened in our family (a messy house, sons missing basketball training). I was sad and upset all the time.

This in turn started to give anxiety to my husband and even my children! 

I felt extremely selfish and remorseful for letting this happen. But this time it was different!

I knew that something had to finally be done…

A trap of our health system

I started with a simple search on Google for guides on how to boost my self-esteem and to take control of my life. 

I tried many different resources, like creating task schedules that were supposed to help me, but they didn’t. In fact, I wasn’t sure if I’d done good research. Again, lack of self-esteem. I didn’t trust my own findings.

I thought that having someone to talk to and be accountable to would help, so I started seeing a therapist. 

The therapist helped me establish the link between low self-esteem and anxiety, but as the sessions only yielded minimal results, I soon had to put them to an end. 

Booking a series of sessions would cost an arm and a leg, which furthered my anxiety due to the cost and how I thought it could be put to better use in securing my children’s futures. 

I finally got myself prescribed anti-anxiety drugs.

I was afraid of taking them. I was thinking “Do I really need this to start loving myself?”… I threw them away and went back to my family

Searching for a cure

Once I got home, I spoke with my husband about the problems that I had. 

He loves me so much, he showed me tremendous support and looked at my problems very seriously. He said that he was going to help me. We googled it again. This time together. We wanted to find a better solution than drugs or crazy expensive specialists. After googling for an hour straight, I came up with a site called 

Once I landed on the site, I went about answering the questions as truthfully as possible. It was a very pleasant experience, to be honest.

Once I was done answering the questions, the system, which was designed with the help of various psychologists and wellness professionals, created a three-month customized plan to help me boost my self-esteem.

Taking the first step is always the hardest – but I was guided every step of the way.

The results were not instantaneous, but I didn’t expect them to be, especially if I wanted long-lasting results.

I promised myself to keep to the plan for the whole duration just so I could eliminate any doubts in my mind if it didn’t work out. 

Once it became a habit, I started to slowly see results, not just me but also the people around me, so I know the results were for real. 

Optimism replaced anxiety

At the end of the day, long-term consistency always wins over any short-term solution. It’s the small gains over time that last and help reprogram your subconscious mind. 

That, in a nutshell, is why this program has been so effective for me in easing my low self-esteem.

This program helped change my daily routine, it helped me boost my self-esteem and love myself even more.

What would you do if you had an itch? Scratch it right away, right? You wouldn’t ignore it, so using this example I started treating any tasks I had to do the same way…and guess what?  My anxiety started to melt away and I started to look forward to the future, rather than worry about it. 

I no longer felt like a burden on my family and in turn, raised both my self-esteem and confidence, which helped me even more when it came to tackling things head-on. 

SO if you’re suffering from anxiety as a result of low self-esteem, then you can reclaim your peace and live a life worth living.

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Esteem Quest does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.